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Irish Surname - Byrd / Bird

The Irish surname Bird is a variation of the English surname "Byrd" or "Bird", which is derived from the Old English word "brid" or "bird", meaning "a bird". The name likely originated as a nickname for someone who had bird-like characteristics, such as a person who was swift or nimble like a bird.

In Ireland, the Bird surname is most commonly found in the southern counties, particularly in Cork and Kerry. The name has been in use in Ireland since at least the 16th century, and was likely brought over by English settlers during the Plantation of Munster in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Famous People with surname Byrd / Bird

Variations of the surname Byrd / Bird

Byart, Birdie, Byrdie, Byrde, Birdsell, Byrdsell, Byrdsong, Birdsong, Birdsall, Birdwhistle

Byrd / Bird Coat of Arms and Motto

The Byrd or Bird family has several different coat of arms and mottos associated with it, depending on the specific branch of the family and the country in which they lived. However, one of the most commonly used coat of arms for the family features a shield with a gold background and three black birds in flight. The crest on top of the shield is a black bird with wings spread, holding a gold arrow in its beak. The motto for this coat of arms is "Avi Numerantur," which is Latin for "They are numbered among the birds.

Another commonly used coat of arms for the Byrd or Bird family features a shield divided into four quarters, with each quarter containing a different symbol. The upper left quarter contains a gold lion on a red background, while the upper right quarter contains a silver cross on a blue background. The lower left quarter features a silver swan on a red background, and the lower right quarter features a black bird on a gold background. The crest on top of the shield is a black bird with wings spread, holding a gold arrow in its beak. The motto for this coat of arms is "I Have Found It," which is a translation of the Latin phrase "Inveni."

Please Note

There is often limited information available on a specific coat of arms and motto for an Irish surname. Sometimes there are many variations, sometimes none, we have compiled a representative, but by no means exhaustive, selection. Please visit our Coat of Arms and Motto page for more information.

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